1% of the world’s water is considered fresh and drinkable. Of that 1% only 15% is actually available to us for drinking due to the other 85% being utilized for growing food and producing energy. In addition to that, many places around the world are experiencing less and less rainfall every year, which is our source for replenishing the fresh water supply. The need to conserve water grows by the day, it’s time to make a change.
Heritage is prepared to address your water consumption from mulitple angles and give you the best possible results while maintaining a cost-conscious mindset.
Conservation is not a one size fits all deal as each site will have different strengths and weaknesses. Because of this each site‘s program will differ. Heritage has 4 steps in its conservation:
Heritage takes the time to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each site and its unique situation.
Heritage creates a custom-tailored conservation program based on the evaluation of each site.
Heritage installs, manages, and maintains all high efficiency technologies utilized in the conservation program.
Heritage works with each client to make sure that each site produces the best savings results possible.